Our affection for bartenders is real.

Welcome to the online home of broVo Spirits!

We are a collaborative, experimental distillery based in Woodinville WA USA that makes hand-crafted delicious liqueurs, amaro, and vermouth that you can sip or mix.

Our products are made in the traditional way in that we buy the base and craft the flavors that go into it. A variety of qualitative techniques are used to impart the different flavors into our liquors.

We will usually re-distill our bases with the botanicals. We sometimes infuse or macerate using the botanicals. Sometimes they are combined together, though occasionally we infuse separately and combine the flavors together in a process called compounding.

Our core belief rests in the ingenuity of the bartenders. So much so, that we work with them on a regular basis. They tell us their needs, they author our recipes, and they use our spirits.

We encourage you to try our spirits: taste the difference of real liquor, made from real plants.



12 Comments Add yours

  1. Where in San Francisco can I find your Amaro 1? Or can I order directly from you? Congrats on your big win at the American Distillers.

    1. brovospirits says:

      HI Cynthia,

      We can’t ship out of state. And there is no amaro No 1 in California.

      But Binny’s can ship out of state. they are a Chicago based retailer. Go to http://www.binnys.com and search for broVo. They have our amaro No 1.

      thanks for supporting us. We appreciate it.
      Sorry for the delay in replying. I have been caught in the Chicago air port issues.

      1. Wow…thanks so much for all your help. On my way to binny’s now.
        Love your work/craft.

  2. Ed says:

    wanted to see were your chocolate liqueur is available for retail purchase in Chicago thanks

    1. brovospirits says:

      hi there, Gene at Warehouse Liquors has the chocolate in stock. They are located at 634 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, IL 60605. he’s fantastic- really knowledgeable about our products. thanks for supporting us.


  3. Dave Rupp says:

    Hi all,
    Where can I buy the doug fir down here in Vancouver, WA?

    1. brovospirits says:

      Do you have a local liquor store you go to? You can ask them to bring it in, so you can buy it. We are distributed through C Stein down there.

      We can also sell it to you online but shipping is $20 a bottle- fedex soaks us on liquor sales…

    2. brovospirits says:

      And thanks for posting!

  4. Chris says:

    Who distributes your product in Seattle now? I use your rosé vermouth in a cocktail, and used to get it from NW Beverages. I can’t find any email address/contact information on your website, either.

    1. brovospirits says:

      Hi Chris- we are with prime wine and spirits now. Which outlet are you at? If you send me your email address I can connect you with them. Thanks!

  5. Noe says:

    Hi, I’m helping to update a global online directory (over 41,000 entries so far) of vegan-friendly alcohol, http://www.barnivore.com/, and I was hoping you could provide some information about Brovo.

    Does Brovo contain any animal ingredients (such as milk, eggs, honey, etc) or are animal products used in the processing/filtration of the product (such as isinglass, gelatin, etc)?

    Also, is your product manufactured or bottled anywhere else in the world (by a sub-licensee, for instance) that might use a different processing system, thus making them unsuitable for vegans?

    Noe Banuelos

    1. brovospirits says:

      hi Noe,

      Thanks for emailing. We are completely animal free. There are no animal products in our ingredients. We don’t filter or fein anything we do, so there’s no animal products in the processing either.

      We get our wine from another winery and they do not filter or fein it, for our usage. I don’t know of any other vermouth especially, that is vegan.

      Mhairi Voelsgen

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